Starting a tech startup with C — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium

Excellent article by James Perry

I founded a new tech-startup called Signal Analytics with an old University friend, Fedor Dzjuba of Linnworks. We are building a modern, cloud-based version of OLAP cubes (multi-dimensional data storage and retrieval) using a propriety multi-dimensional database system.

I am taking the lead on the technical side and I am most comfortable with C++ so decided to build our OLAP engine with it. I did originally build a prototype in Rust but it was too high risk (I should write another post to explain more about this decision).

A lot of my peers think it is bizarre that I am building a cloud service with C++ and not with a dynamic language — such as Ruby or Python— that provides high productivity to ship quickly.

It started to question my own judgement to use C++ and I decided to research whether it is good idea or not.

Click the link below for full article.

via Starting a tech startup with C — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium.

New year and same old me or maybe not

Most of us make resolutions for the new year and hope everything will change magically in this year but as the days pass on so does the enthusiasm and the new resolutions are left behind to solve the old issues first from the previous year. The same story is repeated for most of us year on year.

The problem is that we try to set unrealistic aims and goals, even though it’s OK to set your aim/ goal high but also must realize that we can only reach there with smaller steps and achievements. A lot of people tend to give up when they set the target too high and realize they are not getting close to it.

The idea is to set the bigger target and then divide it into smaller steps and try to achieve those gradually e.g. set a goal to loose 10 kg in 6 months but mini goals of 1-2 kg a month and then when you work your way to the monthly goal and achieving it will boost your moral and keep you going for the next step and finally achieve your main/ bigger goal.

Happy New Year

Claim your free 15GB of OneDrive storage

Microsoft has grudgingly agreed to let current OneDrive users keep their 15GB of free cloud storage and 15GB of free Camera Roll “bonus” storage, rather than dropping you to 5GB as previously stated, but only if you’re aware of the offer and don’t mind a bit of spam.

To take advantage of the offer, visit this Microsoft page. Microsoft representatives said the company does not have a supplementary explanatory blog post or statement to add at the present, but they did supply the webpage address, whose URL lists it as a “preview” at the moment.

You’ve already navigated the first hurdle: since users have to manually opt in to the offer, OneDrive users who are unaware of the deal won’t be able to take advantage of it. And there’s a small catch: by selecting the offer, you agree “to receive promotional emails from OneDrive,” although Microsoft immediately says that you can unsubscribe as well—how to do that, however, isn’t exactly clear.

It appears that un-checking the “promotional email” box, then clicking the “Keep your free storage” button also appears to work. In response to a question from PCWorld, a Microsoft representative said that the wording is being changed to “make it more clear”.

To read the full article please click the link below.

Nice! Visuino – Sensor of temperature using LM35 and display LCD 1 by Fredy Alvarez with @arduino

This is a brief introduction to the environment of development and visual programming for the platform Arduino, Visuino is a property of Mitov software and I alone take part making tests and some libraries not yet concluded.

The example is to realize an analogical lecture in my Arduino Uno of a sensor of temperature LM35 and this analogical information to open it in a display of lcd 16×2 classic with controller HD44780, the whole programming does in Visuino and the code example appears in the IDE of Arduino.

Schematic diagram of the circuit

For more information about Visuino please visit the official web page:

Also it can join the group of google

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Source: Nice! Visuino – Sensor of temperature using LM35 and display LCD 1 by Fredy Alvarez with @arduino