USB Selective Suspend – Turn On or Off

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The USB selective suspend feature allows the hub driver to suspend an individual USB port without affecting the operation of the other USB ports on the hub. Selective suspension of USB devices is especially useful in portable computers, since it helps conserve battery power. Many devices, such as fingerprint readers and other kinds of biometric scanners, only require power intermittently. Suspending such devices, when the device is not in use, reduces overall power consumption. More importantly, any device that is not selectively suspended may prevent the USB host controller from disabling its transfer schedule, which resides in system memory. DMA transfers by the host controller to the scheduler can prevent the system’s processors from entering deeper sleep states, such as hibernate.


This tutorial will show you how to turn on or off USB selective suspend to automatically power down idle USB devices in Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.

Python vs. Java

Udacity Instructor Weighs In On Programming Languages

 #Python, a programming language named not after a snake species but a 1970s British television comedy sketch, is gaining popularity in colleges across the US. In a recent article, ComputerWorld reported that  “Python has surpassed Java as the top language used to introduce U.S. students to programming.” The article goes on to suggest that majority of top computer science departments in the US now use Python to teach coding.
Click below to read the full article.



Make Passwords Strong And Long


Please create and use long passwords with a minimum length of 10 characters or more.

A simple rule is to use long phrases and then take 1-2 beginning letters of each word and join them to create a password. This way you just need to remember the phrase but not the password itself which is much easier.

Here is an example phrase and shortened password in result of the phrase.

Phrase : “I was born in Johor Bahru on 1st January 1980”

Password : “IwbiJBo1180”


Here is a link to a study explaining why it’s necessary to create longer passwords.

2014 Business Password Analysis – Trustwave