Starting a tech startup with C — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium

Excellent article by James Perry

I founded a new tech-startup called Signal Analytics with an old University friend, Fedor Dzjuba of Linnworks. We are building a modern, cloud-based version of OLAP cubes (multi-dimensional data storage and retrieval) using a propriety multi-dimensional database system.

I am taking the lead on the technical side and I am most comfortable with C++ so decided to build our OLAP engine with it. I did originally build a prototype in Rust but it was too high risk (I should write another post to explain more about this decision).

A lot of my peers think it is bizarre that I am building a cloud service with C++ and not with a dynamic language — such as Ruby or Python— that provides high productivity to ship quickly.

It started to question my own judgement to use C++ and I decided to research whether it is good idea or not.

Click the link below for full article.

via Starting a tech startup with C — Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking — Medium.

Python vs. Java

Udacity Instructor Weighs In On Programming Languages

 #Python, a programming language named not after a snake species but a 1970s British television comedy sketch, is gaining popularity in colleges across the US. In a recent article, ComputerWorld reported that  “Python has surpassed Java as the top language used to introduce U.S. students to programming.” The article goes on to suggest that majority of top computer science departments in the US now use Python to teach coding.
Click below to read the full article.