13 Microsoft Word Tips You Need to Learn Now

Microsoft Word is so integral to our digital lives that it has successfully commandeered the actual word, “Word.” If you refer to the once-nonsensical phrases like “Word docs,” “editing in Word,” or “a Word update,” people will know exactly what you are talking about. That’s the power of ubiquity.

Even though the program has since been sucked into the greater branding gravity of Microsoft Office, Word still stands alone as the program with which everyone—regardless of their technological prowess—is at least somewhat familiar.

The long-dominant word processing software faces a new class of cloud-based competition, and Microsoft has even gotten in on the action with Office 365. But the well-known Word software still remains the go-to tool for producing all our important docs (except for Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin, who keeps it insane-person old school by writing on a DOS word processor). And why shouldn’t it be? Word is dependable, customizable, and with lots of baked-in functionality.

Old veteran Word users like yourself probably think there’s nothing left to learn. Oh, but there’s always room for more knowledge! Here we present 13 functions that aren’t hidden, but aren’t exactly spelled out either. Click through to uncover little semi-hidden treats that only power user super ninjas know.

Note: These tips were tested using Microsoft Word 2010 on a PC and Microsoft Word 2008 for Mac. Not all tips may be available or in the exact same locale on your version.


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Simple Tips for Success

Start Now

There are many factors that go into become a success in both your professional and personal life but the one factor that is required is taking action. Most people miss out on reaching their full potential because they never start. They are always preparing, planning and waiting for the best time to start. If I waited until I was ready, I would not have a coaching practice, a website, a blog, a workshop, etc. The stars rarely align and you will never be completely ready so just start now and adjust along the way.

Are you waiting for something before you start? What is your planning to doing ratio? What’s really the worse thing that can happen if you got started right now? If you are someone that’s just been waiting, stop reading this post and get started on what you have been wanting to do. This article will still be here when you get back.


Add Value

No matter what you do and where you go, you can’t go wrong with adding value. Simply put value is anything that people are willing to pay for. In your professional life, the more value you can offer the more money you can make. In your personal life, more value translates to closer relationships and strong personal growth. The best way to add value is to find the intersection between what people are willing to pay for and what service or product you can offer that is aligned with your values, strengths and goals.

How are you adding value to your employers and loved ones today? What can you do to increase your ability to add value?


For More Tips Please read this http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-great-tips-for-success-in-both-life-and-business.html