Question is when Google Play Music will be available in Malaysia?
Category: General Tips
Tips and Guides not related to Technology.
Typing ‘ﷺ’ in MS Word and MS Office Documents
To type ﷺ in MS Word or any MS office Document:
(1) Type FDFA.
(2) Type ‘Alt+x’. (Hold on to ‘Alt’ key and press ‘x’ key.) As soon as you type ‘Alt+x”, ‘FDFA’ is converted to ﷺ
Unicode for ‘ﷺ’ is ‘FDFA’.
Below table gives Unicode Values of common Arabic Words/Phrases:
Arabic Phrase/Word | English Transliteration | Unicode |
ﷲ | Allah | FDF2 |
ﷺ | Sall Allāhu ʿalay-hi wa-sallam | FDFA |
ﷴ | Mohammed | FDF4 |
ﷳ | Akbar | FDF3 |
ﷶ | Rasool | FDF6 |
ﷻ | Jallajalaalahu | FDFB |
ﷹ | Salla | FDF9 |
ﷸ | Wa-salam | FDF8 |
ﷷ | Alayhe | FDF7 |
ﷵ | Salam | FDF5 |
ﷱ | Qala | FDF1 |
ﷰ | Salla | FDF0 |
For example, if you want to type ﷲ, then
(1) Type ‘FDF2’.
(2) Type ‘Alt + x’ (Hold on to ‘Alt’ key and press ‘x’ key). MS Word or any Office document will then convert FDF2 to ﷲ.
For the Unicode for all the Arabic characters, refer to this link.
Note: This technique works for all MS Office products. In case, due to some issue, if it doesn’t work for you, then add ‘U+’ to the Unicode and repeat the steps mentioned above. For example, for typing ﷺ, type ‘U+FDFA’ and type Alt+x.
To know the general techniques for inputting characters via Unicode in Windows, Mac, Linux, etc., check this Wikipedia link. (
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