Free DJ Software Comparison

What is DJ Software?

DJ software refers to any program that aids the user in creating, mixing, filtering, or editing audio. DJ software often hosts its own playlist and library functions and can import and export audio files from other sources. It usually has digital controls for mixing, blending, remixing, copying, pasting, and removing specific audio clips. DJ software generally has methods of changing the bass, tune, pitch, and sometimes even the voice of an audio clip. While there are many commercial DJ programs available, the following are all examples of free DJ software:

Please click below to see the review/ features at Tech-FAQ website.

Free DJ Software

BitNami Virtual Appliance in VMware ESX/ ESXi

BitNami offers many Virtual Appliances of popular open source software and in order to run those on VMware ESX/ ESXi platform we need to convert the virtual machine to .OVF format. The best way to achieve this is by using the VMware vCenter Converter Tool to convert the machine to the .OVF format. Download a version previous of 4.3, after this version the VMware Converter does not include this feature.

But my personal experience differed from the guide on BitNami website. I had followed the guide but when I tried to import the .OVF in ESX/ ESXi it gave me error “no space left for device on parent controller” After doing some research on Google I managed to get it working as following.

  • Choose the .vmx file from the uncompressed folder.converter1
  • Select the destination type “VMware Workstation 6.5.x” and choose a folder on to save the virtual machine.converter5
  • Edit the Product Information and set the Product Name.converter3
  • Once the whole process finishes, Run the conversion wizard again and choose the converted machine from the previous step as your source.converter4
  • Select the destination type “Virtual appliance” and the distribution format “Folder of files”.converter2
  • Edit the Product Information and set the Product Name (if required).


You should now be able to import the .OVF into ESX/ ESXi server using the vSphere Client.

Hopefully it will help anyone who is struggling to get the BitNami Virtual Machine working on VMware ESX/ ESXi platform.

DEKTEKT: A free new tool by Amnesty International


A Free Tool To Detect State Spyware On Phones And PCs

Amnesty International launched the Detekt tool to scan for state surveillance spyware on phones and PCs. It was developed by security expert Claudio Guarnieri. I wonder if this puppy detects Regin.

A group of security and technology experts that fight for the respect of human rights experts have launched a new tool dubbed Detekt that allow the detection of the government surveillance malware on mobile devices and PCs. Amnesty in one the members of the Coalition Against Unlawful Surveillance Exports, the alliance that fights to avoid violation of human rights

Detekt was developed by the Italian security expert Claudio Guarnieri, it was launched last Thursday in partnership with Amnesty International, British charity Privacy International, German civil rights group Digitale Gesellschaft and US digital rights group the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

To download Detekt please visit

For more information:

Two-Factor Authentication

I am a strong proponent of two-factor authentication but the worrying thing is the way it’s being advertised or pushed as a holy grail of security. The weakest link is still the person using the service/device and if they continued to use weak passwords then it just become the matter of loosing your token device or mobile.

When enabling two-factor authentication users still must advised to setup secure passwords with at-least 10 digit length containing Alphabets, Numerals and Special Characters.

It’s a good thing that Microsoft is building two-factor authentication directly in the OS and it will help the IT administrators to better manage and protect the device in their network.

See the link below for more detail about the implementation of two-factor authentication in Windows 10.

Windows 10 to get two-factor authentication built-in

MicroLink GSM – tiny, Arduino compatible, rapid prototyping

MicroLink_1I just backed up this project on KickStarter 


What is MicroLink GSM?

Tiny self-contained board that can do automation, alerts, cellular data, phone calls, SMS text messages, and more – USB plug & play.



Technical information

  • Atmel Atmega328P microcontroller – same as Arduino UNO
  • Latest generation SIM800H module (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)
  • Genuine FTDI USB chip
  • Interrupt pins available
  • An LED is connected to pin D13, same as the Arduino UNO
  • Gold plated IPEX u.Fl antenna connector
  • Quad-band multi-region antenna included
  • Accepts standard sized SIM card
  • 6 uA sleep current (Extra Flash: 11 uA)
  • Approx. 10 mA typical processing current
  • Approx. 400 mA net peak momentary current during GSM events
  • Can be powered and programmed by USB Micro USB
  • UART (Serial), SPI, and I2C peripherals
  • Atmega328P talks with SIM800H using AT commands (easy, reliable)
  • 0.1 inch pitch pins – can fit on a standard breadboard.
