MicroLink GSM – tiny, Arduino compatible, rapid prototyping

MicroLink_1I just backed up this project on KickStarter 


What is MicroLink GSM?

Tiny self-contained board that can do automation, alerts, cellular data, phone calls, SMS text messages, and more – USB plug & play.



Technical information

  • Atmel Atmega328P microcontroller – same as Arduino UNO
  • Latest generation SIM800H module (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)
  • Genuine FTDI USB chip
  • Interrupt pins available
  • An LED is connected to pin D13, same as the Arduino UNO
  • Gold plated IPEX u.Fl antenna connector
  • Quad-band multi-region antenna included
  • Accepts standard sized SIM card
  • 6 uA sleep current (Extra Flash: 11 uA)
  • Approx. 10 mA typical processing current
  • Approx. 400 mA net peak momentary current during GSM events
  • Can be powered and programmed by USB Micro USB
  • UART (Serial), SPI, and I2C peripherals
  • Atmega328P talks with SIM800H using AT commands (easy, reliable)
  • 0.1 inch pitch pins – can fit on a standard breadboard.


Connect absolutely anything to the Internet with Spark


Everything is getting high-tech — from phones to jewelry. It will not be surprising if, soon enough, we will see high-tech clothes. With the Internet opening tremendous opportunities, people are not shying away from utilizing them to create innovative and unprecedented things. In fact, a whole new category called “Internet of Things” has emerged, where objects are provided with unique identifiers that help them transfer data over a network without the need of a computer.

In an attempt to bring Internet of Things closer to people, a tiny board called Spark Core has come into the market.

The Spark Core with Chip Antenna is a very small WiFi development board that makes it very easy for everyone to create hardware that is connected to the Internet. In fact, the tiny chip is all you will need. Just power it up with the help of a USB connection or a battery, and you will be able to control LEDs, motors, and switches in addition to being able to collect data from its various sensors over the internet.


This core has an on-board controller that is actually a small, low-cost, and low-power computer that has the capability of running a single application. This micro-controller is the one that runs the show. In fact, it runs your software and tells the rest of the core what to do. This tiny little thing does not have an operating system like your computer and just runs a single application (that is also known as firmware or an embedded application). This application can very simple — made up of only a few lines of code — or extremely complex, depending on what you want to do with it.

The first and foremost goal of Spark’s creation is its ease of use. In fact, you can start off without any experience in using hardware or software.

If you are familiar with Arduino, you will love this chip. The core uses the same wiring and programming language as Arduino. It also has an accessory called Shield that helps you connect it to any standard Arduino shield.

The hardware design files — board design, schematic, and bill of materials — are open source as is the firmware. This makes it very user-friendly.

For more information check out their website.


Minibuilders – printing big 3d structures with small robots

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/97976677]


Minibuilders is a family of three robots, each robot linked to sensors and local positioning system. These feed live data into custom software allowing control over the robots movement and deposition of material, an fast setting artificial marble.

Current research focuses on 3D printing for the FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling). Which means that three dimensional objects may be produced by depositing repeated layers of solidifying material until the shape is formed. Material adheres to the previous layer with an adequate bond upon solidification, may be utilized.

The positioning device, the small robots all equipped with the print-head nozzle, move in a predefined path depositing material in layers. Each layer base is defined by the previous layer, and each layer thickness is defined and closely controlled by the height at which the tip of the print-head is positioned in relation to the previous layer. Controller, material supply and power sources are connected externally.


Snap-on Seek Thermal Camera

leaky-door-100455236-mediumThe Seek Thermal camera is an impressive little piece of hardware. According to the company, the Android-compatible version of the camera comes equipped with the following:

• True thermal sensor
• Long wave infrared: 7.2-13 microns
• Vanadium oxide micro bolometer
• 12 μm pixel pitch
• 206 x 156 resolution array, which equals 32k thermal pixels
• Custom chalcogenide lens with 36 degree field of view
• Durable magnesium housing4
• Detection from -40C to +330C

The 12-micron sensor chip and camera components were developed in collaboration with Raytheon, a California-based company that’s specializes in weapons technology and military and commercial-grade electronics.


For more information please refer to their website at http://www.thermal.com/