MicroLink GSM – tiny, Arduino compatible, rapid prototyping

MicroLink_1I just backed up this project on KickStarter 


What is MicroLink GSM?

Tiny self-contained board that can do automation, alerts, cellular data, phone calls, SMS text messages, and more – USB plug & play.



Technical information

  • Atmel Atmega328P microcontroller – same as Arduino UNO
  • Latest generation SIM800H module (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)
  • Genuine FTDI USB chip
  • Interrupt pins available
  • An LED is connected to pin D13, same as the Arduino UNO
  • Gold plated IPEX u.Fl antenna connector
  • Quad-band multi-region antenna included
  • Accepts standard sized SIM card
  • 6 uA sleep current (Extra Flash: 11 uA)
  • Approx. 10 mA typical processing current
  • Approx. 400 mA net peak momentary current during GSM events
  • Can be powered and programmed by USB Micro USB
  • UART (Serial), SPI, and I2C peripherals
  • Atmega328P talks with SIM800H using AT commands (easy, reliable)
  • 0.1 inch pitch pins – can fit on a standard breadboard.


An I²C Bus powered Arduino IO Expander Board controlled via Bluetooth and Android | Open Electronics

During my research for Home Automation Project, I came across this excellent article. It helped to clarify few things related to the mobile app controls.



Today we’ll expand Arduino’s digital resources thanks to an I2C bus equipped shield and we’ll allow the management of the board via a Bluetooth connection RN-42 through an Android systems.

All Arduino boards feature a number of digital I/Os. For the simplest projects, such resources are usually more than sufficient, but in those where they you need several control lines, “standard” I/Os can be less than enough, because some pins are shared with internal resources while others are dedicated to external shields.

Please click the link below for full article at Open Electronics.

An I²C Bus powered Arduino IO Expander Board controlled via Bluetooth and Android | Open Electronics.